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Coffee Guide


Coffee Americano

A single shot of espresso added to a cup of hot water. Many like to drink this as they would a regular brewed coffee with milk and sugar. Purists say to keep milk to a minimum to get the most flavor from the espresso.

Caffe Latte

Coffee Latte

A cafe latte, or “latte” for short, is an espresso-based drink with steamed milk and micro-foam added to the coffee. This coffee is much sweeter compared to espresso due to the steamed milk.

Caffe Mocha

Coffee Mocha

A mocha is a mix between a cappuccino and a hot chocolate. It is made by putting mixing chocolate powder with an espresso shot and then adding steamed milk and micro-foam into the beverage.



A cappuccino is like a latte. However, the key difference between a latte and cappuccino is that a cappuccino has more foam and chocolate placed on top of the drink. Further, a cappuccino is made in a cup rather than a tumbler glass.


Coffee Espresso

A strong, concentrated coffee made by forcing pressurized water through finely-ground coffee beans. Served in a small cup called a demitasse, and meant to be taken quickly, like a shot.

Espresso con Panna

Coffee Espresso Con Panna

Espresso con panna, which means "espresso with cream" in Italian, is a single or double shot of espresso topped with whipped cream.

Flat White

Coffee Flat White

Flat white is a coffee that is popular in Australia and New Zealand. It is made the same as a cappuccino expect it does not have any foam or chocolate on top.


Coffee Macchiato

Espresso with either steamed milk or foamed milk, and flavoring. The most common combination is the caramel macchiato – espresso, vanilla, steamed milk, drizzled with caramel.